Monday, December 28, 2015

The birth of Jesus revealed and introduced the existence of a Triune God

            Matthew 1:18-25

The Angel announced Who the Father of the Baby was; What His gender and name was to be.
There was reason for doing it in this particular way.
Firstly, the divine conception declared that the Baby to be born was NO
Ordinary human being/person. 
Secondly, the reason for stating His gender was because of His relation to the
Father as Son.
Thirdly, the reason for the name was because Hebrew culture necessitated
the use of a name that will represent the person’s character.
Jesus is the Greek form of Yeshua/Joshua; which means “the Lord saves”.
The mission/purpose of Jesus was declared within His Name ie to save His 
people from their sins.
The reference made to the Holy Spirit during the account of Jesus’ birth
revealed and introduced the existence of the Triune God.
Matthew’s Gospel account was originally directed to the Jewish nation, who believed in a Monotheistic God. It was thus of utmost importance to reveal the Truth of a Triune God.

1. The Role of His earthly parents
·        The mission of Jesus was extremely important to take risks and entrust a helpless baby to humanity with shortcomings and weakness.
·        His “earthly parents” had to meet God’s requirements of a good character and heart.
·        Both Mary and Joseph were righteous, upright, just, individuals of principles and honor.
·        Because Jesus was fully human (and fully God) they had to nurture Him in a God-fearing home.
They cared for Him and provided His needs
·        They were the primary mentors to groom/prepare Him for His Mission. 
They dedicated Him to the Father on the 8th day as required;
taught Him the Scriptures, and took Him to the Temple for the annual feasts

2. The Role of Jesus

·        to save humanity from our sins .
he could only do so by  dying on the cross, because without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins.
·        To renew all things pertaining to spiritual matters
Free access to the Father –no need to go through a priest
All people have equal status before the Father, whether Jew or Gentile; male or female;
slave or free.
·        To Restore the earth
·        To defeat Satan and the power/sting of death
·        To reconcile humanity to the Father

3. The Role of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus:
·        The Holy Spirit was the “Seed” for His conception
·        He was present during the Baptism of Jesus
·        The Holy Spirit was present during His temptation, walk/journey and service
·        He was present at His resurrection
·        The Holy Spirit was and still is the witness of Jesus in the lives of believers

The Holy Spirit was in existence before Christ ascended into heaven.

The Announcement of the Father’s love for humanity has now gone out into all the earth.
The whole world is celebrating Christmas even though some do not know what it’s really about. He came down to the earth Himself to save us through Jesus, the Messiah.
For many it’s a time of festivities, holidays, gifts and dress-ups.
Christmas is really about the celebration of the birth of the Messiah and thankfulness for The Father’s grace, compassion and mercy towards humanity.
“Yeshua”, the Son truly has His Father’s Nature and certainly lived up to His Name and Mission to save.

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