Monday, December 28, 2015


2 Kings 5:1-15

John 1:16-17
It’s mind-blowing that God loves us-(human-beings)- so much that He made His dwelling among us-
under the Dispensation of the Law through the Ark of the Covenant in the Temple and under the
New Covenant through His Spirit in our hearts.
It’s mind-blowing that we ALL receive blessings through the fullness of His grace-irrespective of age;
nationality; race; past, background or status in life.
God’s grace was always existent, but it became more visible to humanity through Jesus Christ.
God’s grace in the Old Testament is evident in the life of Naaman when he received healing from leprosy.

2 Kings 5:1-15
God’s grace is sufficient to heal ALL infirmities.
·         God allowed a young girl to be taken captive and then to serve as a servant/employee/labourer to the wife of a valiant soldier who won many victories for his country.  
·         She was the link for him to encounter the Living God.
·         How else would Naaman have known about Elisha the prophet who is able to cure him?
·         People of stature/importance have infirmities as seen in the life of Naaman.
·         God wants to heal them, but He needs us (His servants) to heal them.
·         It’s mind-blowing that God wants to use ordinary people like us to fulfil His plan of salvation and restoration.

2.       REPUTATION (4-5)
It’s mind-blowing that God’s grace is sufficient for any bad reputation.
·         Naaman told the king that the young girl had recommended a prophet in Israel who can heal him.
·         She did not realize that Naaman would follow her suggestion or even discuss her with the king.
·         She must have been a credible person for Naaman to follow up on her recommendation.
·         Elisha had a reputation as a man of God this is why the young girl knew about him.
·         What kind of reputation do you have?
·         No matter how bad our past or reputation may be, God is able to restore it.

3.IDENTITY (6-9)
God’s grace is sufficient for mistaken identities
·         The king of Aram mistakenly thought that the king of Israel possessed supernatural powers.
·         Maybe it was a reflection of his perception of himself?
·         Many believers do not fully understand who they are in Christ.
·         Some think more highly of themselves whist others think nothing of themselves.
·         People of stature are limited in power just like any ordinary person.
·         The difference with believers is that we have the power of God in us.
·         The king of Israel knew his limitation and possibly tore his robe as a sign of shame and disappointment in this fact.
·         Significance of a robe: Symbol of royalty and authority.
·         Elisha knew his identity as a result of his relationship with his Heavenly Father and was therefore able to help Naaman.

God’s grace is sufficient for all wrong perceptions
·         Naaman’s wrong perception almost cost him his healing.
·         Firstly, he attempted to impress Elijah with his entourage of chariots and horses.
·         His perception was that the prophet would be impressed by his stature and therefore treat him with special favour.
·         Elisha was clearly NOT intimidated or impressed that easily that is why he did not even greet him as he stood outside his door.
·         Thirdly, he thought that a simple act of faith cannot heal him. He anticipated some spiritual/religious
·         act. A dip in the Jordan River just seemed too natural and simple.
·         It’s mind-blowing that a simple act of faith can bring about a miracle.
·         In spite of his perceptions and possible doubts, he did as he was instructed because his desire to be healed was much greater.
·         God often test our obedience and trust in Him through (what might seem like) foolishness to us.

Naaman is remembered as a great warrior/soldier, who was also very teachable and humble enough to accept the instruction of his servants after he stormed off in anger.
Naaman received one blessing after another-ie favour with the servant of God and kings because he obeyed a foolish instruction.
Plus his skin was restored like that of a young boy.
The act of Baptism too is a simple one, but the outcome is a miraculous one-a new person
From the full ness of His grace, we have ALL received one blessing after another.

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