Monday, December 28, 2015

All things new

                                                            Luke 5:36-39

Some things in life, we like new, but some things we prefer the old.
Likes include: clothes, shoes, house, car, adventure (for the Adrenaline junkies) or whatever it is you value.
Dislikes: new beginnings, plans, vision and goals etc
Human beings by inherent nature don’t like NEWNESS.

God wants to do something new in our lives/His church/world,
BUT human beings are creatures of habit and it is therefore difficult to let go of the old things.

Jesus had a hard time to usher in the New Dispensation because people were so stuck in their ways.

New wine into new wineskins =New Relationships
Luke 8:19-21
Let go of past relationships that do not add value to God’s Kingdom or your life.
Continue to pray for them and encourage them from time to time, but don’t waste ALL your energy
and time on them.
Build new Christ-centred relationships and like-minded people
Relationships that have Christ at their centre are lasting.
It is also beneficial to both parties because everyone needs someone (other than a spouse of course)
to offer God-directed counsel at times.

New wine into new wineskins=New Habits
Luke 6:1-5
It’s difficult to break habits & traditions
Can you identify a habit in your life that is difficult to break? Jesus can help you break it
Honouring the Sabbath Day was part of tradition already for the “religious sector”
(Pharisees & Priests).
They could not see that Jesus was busy doing a new thing among His children
The Sabbath no longer had any real substance or meaning to them. It was not about
Holiness but activity ……
Their focus was in the wrong place
Any activity done with the right motive glorifies God.
How can the healing of a person not glorify the Father?
David broke the tradition/habit to eat the bread that was preserved for the priests only to fill their hunger needs

New Wine into New wineskins=New Character
Matthew 5:3-12
The Holy Spirit cannot operate through an old character.
Our characters must be renewed in order to experience newness of life..
The Holy Spirit wants to make ALL things new in you.
He wants to renew the impure heart; the inclination to be at war/fight ; the unforgiving nature;
The grieving /broken heart; the rebellious stubborn nature
Don’t be tired of being tired of the same old-same old things in your life.
It can change!!

Isa 43:18-19
God wants to renew and restore you. He certainly is able to do so.
Secondly, the choice is in your hands.
Allow the Lord Jesus through His Holy Spirit to renew you
Forget the old things.God is doing a new thing

How about you?
Do you want to experience a new beginning??


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