Monday, December 28, 2015


Mark 3:13-19   &  6 :6-13; 30

Jesus called the 12 men He wanted to spread the Gospel.
The choice was His because He created them uniquely for the task.
He chose Judas too even though He knew that he was going to betray Him. Why?
God used the 12 tribes to usher in the Old Covenant
Jesus, used the 12 disciples to usher in the New Covenant.
He chose them :
·         To Be with Him-dual purpose: to learn from Him & to stress the importance of working as a collective
·         To preach
·         To give them authority
“The beginning is the most important part of the work” (Plato)

Jesus sent them out in 2’s.Why?
·         Accountability-to encourage integrity & transparency
·         Support-to meet the psychological & physiological needs
·         Companionship-to meet their social needs

·         Don’t worry about your physical needs-food & clothes
·         Stay at 1 house when in a particular town once accepted
They had to move around from house to house to meet the needs of the people
The needs of the disciples had to be met at one specific place.
·         He warned that some people may not welcome them
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”(Winston Churchill)

3.Monitored progress
They reported all they had done & taught
Was Jesus pleased /ashamed/disappointed by their reports?
How about our local and district reports?
Psalm 139:1-5
God knows you because He has created YOU for a specific service/task
He knows your concerns, thoughts, ways and deeds
He will lead you at times
Other times, He will follow you in order to cover you
Sometimes, He will place His hand of blessing upon your head-to say “I am pleased”.

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time.
Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it”       (Scott Peck)

If you value yourself, your time, your relationship with the Lord & others then YOU will….
·         Start the work( for some)
·         Continue the work (some) The in-between is normally the most difficult, because we get discouraged and are tempted to give up
·         Complete the work (others)


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