Monday, December 28, 2015

Prioritizing ensures a successful mission/life

Acts 22:1-21

Success in life or a mission is determined by setting priorities for yourself.
Setting of priorities relates to choices and requires wisdom.
Every individual has limited time, energy and resources. It is thus of the utmost importance to
use it wisely.
Setting of priorities will enable you to take hold of that which you value. It will also assist you to
utilize limited resources, energy and time to the maximum.
Priorities reveals Value;
It reveals Purpose &
It reveals obedience
Paul’s life like that of Jesus’ earthly life serves as a good example of this truth.

1.Paul’s Purpose
Acts 26:16 & 18
Jesus said that Paul’s purpose was to be a servant and a witness of that which he has seen of Him
and that which He will still show him.
Jesus told Paul that he was going to send him to the Gentiles to open their eyes
 and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God,
so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by
faith in Him.   
When Jesus commissioned/called Paul, his assumption was that it was to work
with the Jews in Jerusalem, but the Lord’s assignment to him was to the Gentiles far away .
Paul confessed his obsession with the people of the Way during his appeal to King Agrippa.
He went from one synagogue to another and even foreign places to punish the Christians.
It was during one of these visits that he met Jesus through a blazing light from heaven.
It was so bright that it blinded him for several days.
After his conversion, Paul’s mission was clearly visible through his priorities.
Before then, he only had a form of godliness. His intentions were good in trying to defend
the Truth of God (according to his prior understanding and teaching); but it was not the absolute
Truth. This Jesus revealed to him during his Damascus experience.
“Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an
unstoppable manner” (Les Brown)

Do your priorities reflect God’s mission and purpose for you and a lost world?

Paul’s values
Acts 24 :16
After his conversion, Paul took a conscientious decision that a clean conscience before God and
man/people and his relationship with Jesus are the two most important factors in his life and that
everything else in his life should centre on it.
His priorities clearly revealed that which he valued.
He valued the Word of God and studied under one of the greatest teachers of his time-named
Gamaliel. The God-Head must have seen Paul’s zeal for Him through his heart…. even though it was
slightly misguided.
His prior learning in the OT (Old Testament) has laid a solid foundation for him to be an effective
witness of Jesus Christ.
Paul was an important LINK /MIDDLEMAN between the OT and NT because of his knowledge and
experience on the road to Damascus with Jesus.  
We are privileged to have all three important components, the Old Testament, the New Testament  
and the Holy Spirit to help us be effective witnesses and successful servants in our missions.
Paul was a man who believed and spent much time in prayer.
Because he valued his relationship with Jesus more, he was NOT a people-pleaser.
We cannot fulfil the Lord’s expectations and that which people may place on us. We have to decide
who we value more-Jesus or people.

Our priorities will thus reflect who and what we value
Do your priorities reflect that which you value ?
“It’s not hard to make decisions once you know what your values are”(Roy E Disney)

Paul’s Obedience
Acts 21:13
His priorities revealed his obedience to Jesus.
He was obedient to the point of captivity, suffering, hunger, beatings, ship-wrecks, beatings.
He endured it all for the sake of the Name of Jesus.
Paul considered his life worth nothing to him, but to successfully complete his mission.
He was bold and fearless because he knew Who instructed him and Who his Helper was.
He witnessed to kings and governors-people of influence as a result of his obedience.
His understanding of a Monotheistic God was totally changed after meeting Jesus as a blazing light.

Ecclesiastes 9:11
“The fastest runner does not always win the race;
The strongest warrior does not always win the battle…..”
The wise person who orders his/her life does.

Setting priorities will enable you to:
·         Be effective
·         Be focussed
·         Be at peace
·         Be joyful
·         Regain or retain inner strength
·         Make the right choices

If you don’t Prioritize you will run the risk of :
·         Burn-out
·         Discouragement
·         Failure
Prioritizing ensures a successful mission and life!!

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