The Church of the Nararene is a protestant evangelical denomination and part of the broader Christian Community emphasizing Holiness and Missions.
We are of the Wesleyan-holiness tradition believing that the gospel is the "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes" Rom 1vs 16, and that subsequently to conversion we are exhorted to seek the infilling of the Holy Spirit to be empowered to love and serve God and our fellow man, Acts 1vs8 . By 2010 we were operating in 157 world areas and our goal and mission was and is to; "Go and make disciples of all nations." Matthew 28vs19
Our church is situated in 24 Camden street, Brooklyn 7405.
Click here to see our church location
Sunday morning worship service begins at 10am
Mid week bible study/prayer hour on Wednesdays at 7:30pm.
Sunday School on Sundays at 9am.