Monday, December 28, 2015

Greater than the greatest…

                                                                Greater than the greatest…
                                                Luke 9:18 -20

Who do you rank among the greats of the world in History and Modern day?
If you had to live during the time of Jesus, would you have considered Him a great Man?
What are the characteristics of a great person?
·         inspires others
·         exemplary/ role-model
·          well-known
·          good reputation
·          influential
·         powerful legacy

Moses (Excodus 1:15-22 ;  2:1-10)
“Every generation is strategic” (Billy Graham)
Moses was born during his generation for a specific purpose to deliver the Hebrew nation from the oppressive rule of the Egyptians
He was the instrument God entrusted the blue-print of life- the 10 Commandments and other Rules & Laws to.
The enemy could not destroy God’s plan of deliverance for the Hebrews. His plan was indestructible.
The same person who intended to destroy Moses ended up raising him. Moses was raised in the luxury of a palace as a result of this decree that meant to harm him.
Whatever the enemy wants to use against you to destroy you, will turn to your advantage.

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial & suffering
can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired & success achieved”(Helen Keller)
 Moses’s character was shaped during the years of hardship when he fled from Pharaoh after he killed an Egyptian slave-master.(2:15)
Humility (he was the most humblest man in-spite of meeting God so directly)
Strong personal convictions (led him to commit murder)

“Success is never final and failure is rarely fatal .It’s the courage to continue that counts”
(Winston Churchill)
Moses served his people with dedication and commitment until they reached the land of Canaan, even though he never entered it himself. He never benefitted from his efforts.
He was hardworking and passionate (father in law gave him some guidance during his visit to not suffer burn-out)
Self-sacrificial-(he left the comforts of the palace to go and observe what was happening at the workplace of the Hebrews. There was a time that he had to leave his wife and children in his
father-in law’s care when they started out their journey .

The characteristics of a great person is also:
·         fulfils a specific purpose
·         has an impeccable character
·         is humble
·         honours the Lord through selfless service

·         Moses was the deliverer of the Hebrew nation
Jesus –the Deliverer & Saviour of –ALL nations

·         Satan wanted to stop God’s  plan by stirring Pharaoh’s heart to kill all the Hebrew male babies.
He did the same thing when Jesus was born (Matthew 2:13)

·         Moses was a great man of faith and is therefore recognised as such among the major religions of the world.
Jesus is greater than Moses, yet He is rejected by the other faiths of the world.
He is greater than the greatest temple….(Matthew 12:6)
He is greater than the greatest prophets….(Matthew 12:41)
He is greater than the greatest kings….(Matthew 12 :42)

Who is Jesus to you???
Is He greater than the greatest ………in your life?

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