Monday, January 11, 2016

Known by God

1 Corinthians 8 : 3

The person who loves God, is known to Him.
Love - most powerful emotion.
Love involves and requires expressions of affection-; devotion-; caring-for a person  
Love  also necessitates : willingness to make sacrifices;
willingness to forgive;
willingness to overlook faults/weakness/wrongs/shortcomings
willingness to give someone his/her heart’s desire.
How do you know that you love God?
When you are willing to obey Him completely, even at personal cost.

How can you show God that you love Him?
Giving (time, talent, treasure/money; yourself; plans; dreams)
Prayer-fellowship with Him
Obedience to Commandments (1John 5:3)
By making disciples (John 21:15-17)
Good deeds

The individual known by God
Why does the Bible make reference to an individual who is known/recognised/acknowledged by God and not all humanity since He is the Creator? In which sense is the person known to God?
1.Secret desires of the heart (Psalm 44:21b)
He knows the secret that you are not even able to tell your best friend.
He knows your past and present.

2.Needs(Matthew 6:8)
No person on earth is able to supply someone’s needs completely; not even spouses.
God alone is able to meet every need.

3.Thoughts/plans (1 Corinthians 3:20a)

Not only does God know your plans and future aspirations, but He can make it a reality too if you
commit it to Him.(Proverbs 16: 3 & 9)

It’s possible to know someone by name only, but it does not mean that one really know the person’s
desires /needs/thoughts/dreams/likes/strengths/shortcomings etc.
In order to know someone, you have to spend time getting to know him/her.
The more time you spend with God, the more open/honest you will become to share your desires, needs and plans.
God also reveals more of Himself through His Word the more you study it.
God expresses His love for you by caring for you; protecting you; forgiving you; granting you the desires of your heart.
The ultimate proof of His love was the sacrifice of His Son.

The Future known by God
Ecclesiastes 8: 7
Why does God not reveal the future to humanity beforehand?
God knew that the knowledge will be too overwhelming for us
He also knew that we will not have any enjoyment in life if He did
We would have gone through life burdensome and in bondage of fear.
It’s not important to know the future if you place your trust in Him.
You must believe with your heart and mind that God loves you and has your best interest at heart –always.
3. Faith
We would not need faith and hope if we knew the future.

An unknown year lies ahead of us.
It’s unknown to us, but known to God. He will guide us through it victoriously.
Analysts make predictions in order to be prepared. They say that to be for-warned is to be for-armed.
Predictions for South Africa (based on events in the past)
·         Economists predict a drop in the Rand value
·         An increase in the price of commodities
·         A scarcity of food as a result of the drought in many parts

Predictions globally
·         More tragedy in Syria and Yemen
·         Higher influx of refugees to Europe
·         Elections for the top 2 jobs in the world –US President and UN Leader-filled by women

“Whatever happens in 2016 human beings will be resilient, the ability to bounce back in the face of adversity because we have the gift of choice which means we do not need to submit to fate”.
(Mail & Guardian)
Everything we need to make it through 2016 is found in Jesus
·         Wisdom
·         Courage
·         Strength
·         Favour
·         Health

It is not important to know the future if you trust in God and believe that He loves you and will therefore take care of you.
He can be trusted with our future since He holds the whole universe together.
He has a track record of dependability since the beginning of time
Place your desires; needs and plans into the Hands of a loving Father who alone knows the future.

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