Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Keep the fire burning because the hour is near…

                                                Keep the fire burning because the hour is near…
                                                            Matthew 27 :27 -54

The Crucifixion’s commemoration spans over 20000 years.
The Intensity & passion of the Narrative can be lost if it’s head knowledge only.
The death & resurrection of Jesus becomes alive and intense as your relationship
with Him develops-heart knowledge.
In the Parable of 10 Virgins/Watchmen, Jesus laid emphasis on remaining watchful & prayerful.
Guard against making the Crucifixion & Resurrection season-Tradition; will lead to complacency.
Jesus died to pay the ultimate price for our redemption.
He is returning again for a spotless Bride…soon

He is the Son of God as attested by the significant events that happened during His crucifixion:
1.       The 3 hour darkness over the land ( Habbakuk 1:13)
·         -God turned His face on Jesus because of the sin that He embodied
·         Change in the pattern of creation
·         Life without God would mean total darkness

2.       The temple curtain tore in 2 from top to bottom (Hebrews 6:19-20)
·         Free access
·         Curtain was a barrier 60 feet in height;30 feet in width;4 inches thick
·         It served for humanity’s protection (so that people do not enter it carelessly or without reverence)

3.       The earth shook and the rocks split (Psalm 148:3-5)
·         Creation felt the pain of its Creator
·         Nature recognized Jesus
·         Humanity did not recognize Him and they still don’t

4.       The tombs broke open & many holy people were raised to life (Hebrews 12:1)
·         Great cloud of witnesses watching us

The Centurion and those who guarded Jesus missed an opportunity to commit their lives to Jesus.
They realized too late Who He was.
The 5 foolish virgins/bridal watchmen missed out on the Feast too.
Don’t YOU miss out too

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