Tuesday, April 5, 2016

A double-fold act of gratitude

                                                John 12 :1-11

Nard oil is an extraction from the plant Nardostachys Jatamansi, which is from the plant family
Common name: Spikenard oil
The plant only grows in the Himalaya Mountains of India and Nepal.

Uses of nard oil:
·         Fungal infections
·         Remedy for bacterial skin infections
·         Used in fertility drugs/medication
·         Constipation
·         Relief from various types of inflammation
·         Relief from stress, insomnia, anxiety
·         Used in the treatment of varicose veins, blood circulation; allergies, healing of wounds
·         Used as a  fragrance 
·         Mixed with olive oil, it was used for the consecration and dedication of utensils in the Temple
This oil was in all likelihood equivalent to Imperial Majesty-world’s most expensive perfume today
(17 ounces =$215 000  )

1 .Sacrificial Giving       
2 Corinthians 8 :12
A gift or offering becomes acceptable to God when it’s done so with love and willingness of heart.
A R10 is worth far more to God than a Million Rand given grudgingly or for the wrong reasons.
Giving is more than just Money.
 It comprises of your Time, Talents, Treasure (whatever you value close to your heart) 

2. Pay Honour
The washing of feet –sign of hospitality during Jesus’ time.
She paid honour to Him for the miracle of Lazarus’s resurrection from the grave
She also fully understood Jesus’ three times repeated statement of His death and resurrection.
How can you pay honour to Jesus for your deliverance/healing/restoration/salvation?
Not only did she use such an expensive perfume, she used her HAIR to dry Jesus’ feet.
Hair is a woman’s natural crown

3. Shallowness of faith

The disciples did not grasp the importance of Mary’s action.
They did not fully understand what Jesus meant when He spoke about His death and resurrection. Why?
Their minds and hearts were still very short-sighted.
They lived in denial.
They clearly lacked the insight of how His death would impact and benefit humanity in this life and the life to come.

Mary’s gift was a rare imported product in Israel.
She gave a gift fit for the King that Jesus was and still is
She did not regard it as a waste of money because she understood Who Jesus was.
Nothing done for the Kingdom of God is ever wasteful.
No value can be placed on what Christ has done for humanity.
She consecrated and dedicated Him for the BiGGEST task yet that he had to complete-the
repentance of Humanity’s sin.

She consecrated the Lamb of God for the offering.

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