Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Bread of Life is the key to…

Luke 24:1-3; 13-43
Text Verse:31

Cleopas and his companion had the privilege of hearing the incarnate Word, Christ the risen Word, explain the written Word.
However, they did not recognize Him until Jesus broke the bread and gave it to them.
Their “spiritual eyes” only opened at that time. 
They did not recognize Jesus as He walked with them nor as He talked to them.
Why were they kept from recognizing Jesus?

1.       Emancipation
·         Real freedom originates in the inner man and is not dependent on external circumstances.
·         The people of Israel (including the disciples) expected Jesus to bring them freedom from a worldly system.
·         Their wrong expectation prevented them from recognising Jesus as the true Emancipator/Liberator.
Romans 6:5-7,14

2.       Enlightenment
·         Jesus is the main subject of Scripture because He is the Triune God’s plan of salvation.
·         This plan was in place long before Adam and Eve’s sin because God is omniscient/all-knowing.
·         The Plan was revealed through Scripture but humanity did not understand it.
·         The plan then came in human form through Jesus but humanity still did not recognize Him.
·         The only way to gain insight /understanding into spiritual mysteries is through salvation and revelation through the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2 :14
3.       Eternity
·         There is only one way to eternal life-Jesus Christ.
·         He has power over death as witnessed through His resurrection
·         He has the power over sin that separated humanity from a Holy God.
·         He also has power to reconcile humanity to the Father as Mediator.
John 3:35-36

The entire Bible finds its unity in Jesus.
He is the fulfilment of Scripture
Jesus is the Messiah Who brought redemption to Israel.
He is the only One Who can give freedom and deliverance.
Worldly systems do not have the power to give lasting and true freedom.
The mystery of the spirit world is wrapped up in Jesus and the understanding thereof is

brought about by the Holy Spirit living inside of His followers/disciples.

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