Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Your greatest challenge can be your greatest achievement

1 Kings 3:5-15
Text V 9

Each individual has a unique task to accomplish in life-no matter how insignificant; so does
each family (both biological and spiritual).
This is evident in the lives of David and his family.
David had to lead and rule over the Hebrew nation and to lead military campaigns.
Solomon was the successor of David-plus he had a unique task to build God’s Temple 
since his father was disqualified for the task because his hands were blood-stained.
He realized that the task was greater than was humanly possible-“I am only a child” is
an expression of dependence.
Solomon knew exactly what his challenge was and was therefore able to make it a
prayer request.
His challenge: lack of wisdom
His greatest achievement: known to be the wisest person who ever lived in ancient times. 

V 6 : Know your roots
It is important to know your family background. Why?
·         To break family curses/bondages
·         To continue in the inheritance of the saints
·         To learn from and emulate your predecessors 

2 .V  8: Know your challenge
·         The Hebrew nation was NO ordinary nation. God chose them to be His
witnesses under the Old Covenant
·         He knew that they had to fulfill a specific mission/task. There was therefore no
room to be irresponsible and careless
·         The people were too numerous to count

3.V 9 :  Know your solution
·         Solomon requested discernment and wisdom to govern the people
and for moral & ethical matters
·         Challenges and situations are intended to develop the gift already within you
Therefore count it all JOY whenever you face trials of many kinds—James 1:2-4
·         Trials also reveal what gifts God has placed in you
(Verse 16-28)

God granted Solomon’s request because his motives were pure. It was not to take any glory
for himself, but to fulfill his mission  and in so doing ,he brought glory to God.

  • He excelled in his role as leader. This is evident in his 40 year reign over the Hebrew nation.
  • His fame spread far and wide.
  • He was the wisest, richest and most famous king who ever lived
  • He was a great teacher
  • He spoke more than 3000 proverbs
  • He was a songwriter and poet
  • He led and conquered great military campaigns
  • He built the Temple and other great projects
**(See 1 Kings 4:29-34 &
** 2 Chronicles 9:13-28)

Start and end well!!
Solomon unfortunately did not END his life on a higher note than what he had started.
In spite of all his many successes he failed dismally on a number of things:
  • He failed to maintain the sincerity and wholehearted devotion to God 
  • Don’t become proud or sidetracked by the influences of the world.
  • He failed to bring his successor, Rehoboam, into a relationship with God. The kingdom was subsequently divided during his reign.
  • He also failed to lead an exemplary life before his children 
  • He became careless about his family‘s commission to a higher purpose
  • In spite of ALL the wisdom, he missed the opportunity to handover the baton to the next generation of his bloodline.

Solomon’s greatest challenge became his greatest achievement, but this very same
achievement brought about his failure too
To avoid Solomon’s mistake, abide in Christ i.e  stay  in alignment with His Spirit!!!

By Pastor Alicia Lawrence

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