Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Keys to unlock the doors of opportunity

Acts 16: 16-34

“Pleasure in the job leads to perfection in the work”(Aristotle)
Paul was a “mentally talented” /intelligent man.
He was a learned man in Greek Philosophy & Jewish Law, but he found Someone far greater than Philosophical Reasoning and Religious Rituals.
He met Jesus Christ and his life was turned up-side-down.
People have a misconception that spirituality and intelligence cannot blend together-it’s either or.
The mental and spiritual aspects are separate entities of the human body, but they can co-exist.
Paul is a classic example that it can.
He devoted his life, time, energy, mental talents to spreading the Gospel.
He was able to explain deep Theological truths in simple layman’s language, so that people can understand and implement it.
Even though the Gospel was simplified, some still found reason to argue and to be skeptical.
You must have a spirit of discernment-some are trying to win you over to their beliefs, it’s not that they want to know the truth.

 3 Keys to unlock the doors of opportunity
  •         Prayer
  •         Praise
  •         Persecution

Prayer- Verse 25
Be faithful in the gathering of prayer sessions with other believers and by yourself
Jesus will make His Presence known (
Be  intentional-if there are no prayer groups in your workplace/neighborhood/family –start one!
Divine act-supernatural things happen when we pray

Praise –Verse 26
It lifts up the down-cast spirit/burdens
It opens the door for God to visit with us (He resides in the praises of His people)
It breaks yokes and sets people free
It creates opportunities for miracles

Mathew 5:10-12
There are Cost implications to serving Jesus, but the rewards outweigh it .
Persecution is a cost you must pay if you want to be His disciple; some are paying with their lives/die, but they count it a joy
It prepares the way for miracles-as in the case of Paul
It prepares the way for provision-as in the case of Joseph
It prepares the Way for expansion-as in the case of the early church
It prepared the way for salvation-as in the case of Jesus

Don’t sit on the ash heap when you are persecuted at your workplace, in the family, neighborhood-
Start praying for them
Start praising God in the midst of the difficulties
Paul & Silas were imprisoned not for any wrong-doing, but for rebuking /reprimanding the slave-girl.
Her owners had them arrested because it messed up their finances
Why did Paul rebuke her when she spoke the truth?
Her heart did not agree with what her mouth was confessing (Romans 10:8-10**)
If she did she would not have been a fortune-teller

A great door for ministry is opening. Therefore:       
  • Guard yourselves
  • Be Steadfast in faith
  • Be courageous
  • Serve and do everything with love for God and His creation
  • Endure persecution by changing your perception about the circumstances & situations to it
  • Stay positive by committing your feelings/emotions to the Lord. Don’t become weighed down by it stand up and stand out in the midst of the persecution.

Paul took pleasure in His work as a servant of the Gospel. How about you?

By: Pastor Alicia Lawrence

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