Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Jesus will keep you from stumbling

Jude 1:24

In May 1954, Roger Bannister, a British athlete became the first person to run the mile in less than 4 minutes.
However, John Landy of Australia broke his record a month later by 1.4 seconds.
The two athletes met for a historic race on the 7th of August that same year.
All eyes were on the two runners to the dismay of the others.
John was ahead as they neared the finish line.
He looked over his shoulder to see where Roger was and stumbled….
Unfortunately, he missed the first prize.

All of us are in a race. Jesus will be waiting for each and every person at the finish line with a Reward in His hands.
However there is a huge possibility that we can miss the prize, just like John Landy did.
A fall/stumble cost him a gold medal. It can cost us eternity.
Don’t look around you or behind you. Look straight ahead of you, then you will live in eternity.
So what must you do when or if you do stumble? The reality is that you will stumble/ fall at times, but don’t remain in that position. Get up again and try again. Ask the Lord to strengthen you and to keep you from falling. Men of faith stumbled too, but in the end they were victorious.

Peter (See Matthew 14: 22-33)
He began to drown when he took his eye off Jesus and looked at the waves around him
Jesus was displeased with him, because he doubted.
“A negative focus can result in our entirely missing the possibilities placed in our path”
(Anne Wilson Schaef)

David ( see 2 Samuel  Chapter 11;)
He stumbled when he became idle. He sent the men to the battle ground whilst he was lazing around. 
God was displeased with David because he committed adultery and murder.
“Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron” Ezra Cornell

Samson ( See Judges Chapter 13-16)
He stumbled because of his moral weakness/lust of the flesh.
All the women he got involved with, brought him into trouble.
The last one, Delilah cost him his eyesight and life eventually.
Samson started relying in his own powers instead of God
“Anything cracked, will shatter at a touch”(Ovid)

Obvious causes that will cause you to stumble in your spiritual walk:
Taking your eyes off Jesus/the Word

Causes that are difficult to recognise
Sin committed in secret (envy, unforgiveness, strife, critical spirits, resentment)

Galatian 5 :16-17
How can you be kept from stumbling?
Keep your eyes on Jesus through His Word NOT people
Fellowship with believers
Commitment/Surrender to Jesus
Look ahead (forget the past)

Look & Live Hymn 372

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