Mark 15 :24-39 - Text v 39
The difference between the people who accepts Christ and those who reject Him is the attitude of
their hearts.
Some saw the miracles Christ performed, but remained bystanders
While others saw it too and they became His disciples.
Some heard His words of wisdom and enlightenment, but they refused to accept it as truth
While others heard it too and they were transformed by every Word as they accepted it as life.
Some experienced the touch of Jesus, but they showed no gratitude
While others experienced it too and they were devoted to Him unto death as a sign of their
The Centurion at the foot of the cross was someone whose attitude of the heart was pure and incorruptible.
He was touched and transformed by what he saw, heard and experienced during the crucifixion.
While many turned back in the same state of mind of sinfulness.
He became a disciple, while others remained bystanders.
Reason for the difference????
He heard…
Jesus’ cry when He asked the Father why He had forsaken Him
Jesus’ prayer when He asked the Father to forgive the people
Jesus’ reassurance to the criminal that he will be with Him in paradise
Jesus instructed John to care for Mary, who was a widow at the time
Jesus’ committed His spirit to the Father before he breathed out His last breath
Jesus said it is finished
The deep brokenness within His soul!!
He saw…
How Jesus died without anger and bitterness
How Jesus did not retaliate against those who mocked and insulted Him.
How Jesus still had love and mercy in His heart toward those who betrayed Him.
When one of the soldiers pierced His side a spear and there was a sudden flow of water and blood.
The expression of love, peace and achievement on Jesus face
He experienced….
The 3hr darkness when the sun stopped shining
The earthquake, the tombs that broke open
A life-changing encounter/moment with Jesus
Why did the other people who surrounded Jesus not realize who He was too???
Hebrews 4 :12
Jesus has the power to search every heart and to renew it through His Holy Spirit.
He has the power to reveal the hidden secrets and to lay it bare-ie to expose sinfulness.
However, He it is not in His nature to name and shame or condemn any person. He wants every
person to confess their sins .This reveals that we take responsibility our actions.
If you are willing to see, you will see His miracles all around you…..
If you are willing to hear, you will hear when He speaks to you….
If you are willing to experience His greatness, you will experience it.
The centurion was not influenced by Theology since he was a Gentile, but he nailed Jesus’ identity spot-on!!
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