It prepares us for the Second Coming of Christ
2 Peter 3 :2-18
Seasons are both temporary & permanent.
temporary –bound within a specific period.
permanent –linked to earth’s existence.
Genesis 8:22
“As long as the earth endures,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Summer and winter,
Day and night
will never cease”
Seasons on earth
Season defined:” Periods marked by specific weather conditions; temperatures and length of days”
Good harvest prerequisites
⦁ Quality seedlings
⦁ Sowing, nurturing & reaping done within timeframe
Seasons in heaven
Did time/ seasons exist in heaven?
⦁ period when Lucifer and his followers worshipped God.
⦁ time when they became rebellious and were removed from heaven.
⦁ a season to restore creation and to deal with rebellion.
⦁ Waiting Period-prophesies
⦁ the season to restore creation with its Creator arrived .
⦁ season to punish/rebuke rebellion still awaiting.
⦁ Seasons will cease to be, because Eternity is timeless.
Seasons in human life
Life Seasons defined: Different stages of growth or development and function within living organisms.
Every living thing experience seasonal changes-it’s a prerequisite for maturity and completeness.
Seasons in human life are both within and beyond our control.
Success & Prosperity is within our control because it’s impacted by our choices and actions.
Accept whatever is beyond our control
Glorify God with what is within our control .
Seasons have different effects on individuals-
⦁ become strong in faith.
⦁ become distant from God.
The Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials (2 Peter 2: 9)
We also experience seasons in which to sow and to reap (Galations 6:7).
Each one of us will go through bad and good seasons.
What should you do during waiting season?
⦁ Wait it out. Stand firm in the faith
⦁ Take courage and be strong
⦁ Continue to uplift the Name of the Lord.
A well-balanced and fruitful disciple of Jesus Christ must develop in all facets of their being and endure a variety of seasons.
Life’s difficult seasons prepares us for the season of Christ’s second coming.
The Holy Spirit purifies us during difficulties.
A new heaven and earth will be established when Jesus returns.
“If God can move you from January to December,
He can surely move you from
Shame to fame;
Sorry to glory;
Disgrace to grace;
Labour to favour;
Mockery to victory
And raise you from glory to glory”(author unknown)
Which season of life do you find yourself in?
Assess the factors within and beyond your control during this specific season
How does it impact your character and walk with the Lord?
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