Matthew 19:16-22
“The more holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him”
(Charles Spurgeon.
Point of sanctification is experienced when as believers realize that we cannot progress in our relationship with God because of His holiness and our unholiness.
A Certain young man experienced this and so asked Jesus what he should do about it.
Jesus conveyed that he needs to assess the treasure of his heart.
His Desire
This young man had a desire to obtain eternal life, because he experienced the presence and power of God as he faithfully observed the commandments. The crisis point: he was unwilling to let go of his earthly treasure.
He was caught in between.
Jesus knew his heart and therefore prompted him to make a decision.
2 kingdoms cannot coincide- God’s and the world’s.
He determined his own destiny
By the choices he made. He chose a destination that had no lasting value.
He chose to hold onto the world’s treasures & pleasures
The treasures of the heart reveal the inner-man.
The desire to please God may be existent in the heart, but the crisis point choice will reveal how deep that desire really is.
His Dream
He accumulated wealth so that he will not need to experience a shortage/lack- to be independent and self-sufficient. No problem with that in itself.
God wants us to prosper and enjoy life, but it should never make us independent of Him.
Even though we may build up riches; we still have to trust in God.
Our loyalty will be tested at some point.
He experienced a sense of discontentment/unhappiness in his life in the midst of his riches.
Why?? His dream was in conflict with God’s original plan for his life.
God’s dream was to build a relationship with the young man, but he built a relationship with his treasures.
He grew to a certain level in his spiritual journey therefore his adherence to the commandments.
This young man lost his first love.
God treasures the relationship with humanity more than everything else he has created. This is why Jesus came to earth to reconcile us to the Father.
The young man experienced the need for a deeper experience with God.
His question: “What do I still lack?” to Jesus reveals this: he reached the Point of Sanctification.
Testing Time: Will the Desire and the Choice measure up?
Will the intent of the heart and the action connect/unite? (they are 2 totally different issues)
The young man also had the wrong perception that good deeds and observance of the Law will lead
to eternal life.
What do you lack/have a need of in your spiritual life?
“To KNOW the will of God
Is the greatest KNOWLEDGE”
To FIND the will of God
Is the greatest DISCOVERY”
To DO the will of God
Is the greatest ACHIEVEMENT” (Author unknown)
Let us therefore strive towards perfection of holiness out of reverence for a holy God!
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