Monday, February 29, 2016

Prosper where planted

Psalm 1

Text Verse 4


If you have an abundance of money, possessions and fame, but lack health, peace of mind and people to share it with ,can you consider yourself as prosperous?

If you are contend with your circumstances; and live in peace with people and are in good
health, but lack basic needs, can you still consider yourself as prosperous?

“A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy and prosperous being;and happiness, health and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner man with the outer of the man with his surroundings “ James Allen

Prosperity defined
A state of flourishing, thriving, growth, success and good fortune.It encompasses wealth, happiness and health.

Your view of PROSPERITY is determined by the Kingdom/kingdom you are operating from.
God’s Kingdom is different from the worldly one. Therefore the standards and requirements of each one is different.


1. PROFITS others

The fruit on a tree is enjoyed by others too not only the person who planted it.


The tree is always able to produce fruit because the roots receive nourishment


No one can dispute the state of wellness of a tree that flourishes.


1. Be PLANTED by living water

The Word of God is the Source of it.

Only a person whose roots are firmly established in the Word of God will succeed in their endeavors.

2. Remain in the PRESENCE of God

The Lord’s Presence will only accompany us if we walk in obedience and completely trust in Him.

3. Strive to PLEASE God

The only way to please God is to become more like His Son in character and nature.
Jesus was and is the personification of the Beatittudes.


Factors that will hinder prosperity:

· Rebellion/Disobedience towards God

· Discontentment

· Negative attitudes (resentment, anger, strife, unforgiveness etc.)

“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes”

(Benjamin Disraeli)

Where are you planted-by streams of living water or in dry/desert areas?

Align yourself to prosper/flourish/succeed!

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