If you are a re-born Christian and you still struggling with a sin (a repeated sin) so you know it's wrong in the eyes of God, yet you still doing that sin.
How do you get forgiven by God then?
Let's say for e.g. you were a drug addict but relapse, or alcoholic and drink again, someone who was addicted to porn and still watches it sometimes, or whatever else the addiction might be or sin.
To put the question differently: How do you get forgiven for repetitive sin? Can we still be saved?
And according to:
Hebrews 10:26 says"Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins."
What if we did deliberately committed a sin, it seems we cannot be forgiven?
There are many theological answers that attempt to give a response to this word.
There is really only one answer that can be tested in the Bible, the source of Christian doctrine.
In the New Testament there are 11 occasions, where the verbal word “sin” occurs. To test a given definition of any word, you must replace the word with the definition.
Example: Jesus said to person after He had healed the man: “Go, and sin no more, lest a worse thing happens to you” Now, the only definition that fits this statement of Jesus is: “Sin is a DELIBERATE (WILFULL) VIOLATION OF A KNOWN LAW OF GOD” This definition fits every one of the sentences where “SIN” is mentioned. To demonstrate the accuracy of this definition, let us replace the word, sin, with the definition. “Go, and do not deliberately commit what you KNOW to be the law, or the will of God!” No other definition fit in here or on most of the other places where “sin” occurs.
About the repetition of the same sin, again and again, Jesus said we must forgive 70 x 7 (meaning always forgive whenever someone asks to be forgiven). How much more will God forgive us? The condition is, are we serious about our confession? Do we really repent of the sin? Are we under conviction when we ask God to forgive? One more important thing about repentance and forgiveness. Temptation is the prelude to sin.
Memorise the Scripture that will help when temptation arrives. One of the best of these verses is in 1 Cor 10:13 There is no temptation that has taken you except what is common to man. But God is faithful, He will not allow you be tempted above what you are able, but will with each temptation provide a way to escape that you may be able to bear if.”
Some people prefer to hold onto their sins and still make it to heaven.
That, of course won’t happen. God requires purity of heart for those who want to be saved.
Faith is the victory! Faith is believing what is normally impossible. God is the God of the impossible. For example, it is impossible for us to cleanse our hearts. But He is waiting for us to invite Him to cleanse us from every sin and set us free; free form the fear of tomorrow; free from the guilt of the past.
Written by Pastor Ronald Roux