Luke 18vs1-7
God still answers prayers
Sometimes it seems as if our prayers go unanswered and as if heaven is closed but may the following true story serve as an encouragement to pray and not to give up.
A young man started fellowshipping at our church a little while ago and professed his faith in Jesus Christ. With on-going Bible studies I saw him being transformed before my very eyes. The young man later suggested the idea for the church plans and purposes to be put on a blog especially as he was IT / Computer abled and wanted to see more needy people reached through the churches' "Care Cupboard" initiative. This was also his way of wanting to do something for Jesus. This blog is a direct result of his "burden" that the Lord laid on him.
The moral of the story is simply that we have long prayed to God to send and create workers out of His children. This young man was answer to prayer. Further-more ask not " what can the church do for me" but rather "what can I do for the church."
If every Christian adopts this Christ-like attitude we will definitely impact our communities for God.
Written by Rev Trevor Rich
The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the Church is now home to more than 2 million members worshiping in over 26,000 local congregations in 156 world areas.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
God still answers prayers
Posted by
Immanuel Church of the Nazarene, Western Cape, Cape Town, Brooklyn
1:26 PM
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God still answers prayers,
Luke 18vs1-7
Psalm 37:8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."
Our world will never be the same again! We have seen so much rapid changes in different spheres of life.
Never before have we seen such advancement in the field of technology like the present. Just recently I learned that Google the online advertising company is buying Motorola Mobility for $12,5 billion in cash. This will strengthen there position in the Android Smartphone industry sending a clear message to there competitors.
Most likely this will mean even smaller phones but with bigger memories and better programms.
Whilst the hunger for materialism is never ending, (Ecclesiastes 5:11,"As goods increase, so do those who consume them.") there is Someone who can satisfy our deepest desire throughout all ages.
His name is Jesus and "byte for byte" once you have taken refuge in Him you will taste and see that the Lord is good. This was King David's experience then, yet it still remains so even today.
Give Jesus a chance in your life today by repenting from your sins, confessing to Him that you are a sinner and that He is the only One who can forgive you and make you a child of God (John 1:12). Your life will never be the same again!
Written by Rev Trevor Rich
Never before have we seen such advancement in the field of technology like the present. Just recently I learned that Google the online advertising company is buying Motorola Mobility for $12,5 billion in cash. This will strengthen there position in the Android Smartphone industry sending a clear message to there competitors.
Most likely this will mean even smaller phones but with bigger memories and better programms.
Whilst the hunger for materialism is never ending, (Ecclesiastes 5:11,"As goods increase, so do those who consume them.") there is Someone who can satisfy our deepest desire throughout all ages.
His name is Jesus and "byte for byte" once you have taken refuge in Him you will taste and see that the Lord is good. This was King David's experience then, yet it still remains so even today.
Give Jesus a chance in your life today by repenting from your sins, confessing to Him that you are a sinner and that He is the only One who can forgive you and make you a child of God (John 1:12). Your life will never be the same again!
Written by Rev Trevor Rich
Posted by
Immanuel Church of the Nazarene, Western Cape, Cape Town, Brooklyn
1:24 PM
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Ecclesiastes 5:11,
John 1:12,
Psalm 37:8
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